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All Shani transits give best results with MaturityDomain-01

Natural house of enemy Kuja

Shani transit impacts:

  • body/personality (1)

  • mental health/daily business (3)

  • marriage/contract (7)

  • career/prestige (10).

Must personal discipline is required. Severed relationships in youth; difficult or enslaving commitment in maturity. Heavy responsibilities for family. It is required to take care of the Self, the social-emotional personality as well as the physical body, since all of these will suffer the effects of heavy workload and public expectation.

A good time for reorganizing the lifestyle in order to carry on for the next 30 years with less abundant luxury. Strive for efficiency and eliminate waste wherever you notice it. Some relationships are draining with little reward; these outdated commitments will be lost. Some relationships retain handsome value and require maintenance; these will be retained and serviced, at personal expense of time and resources. Time of restriction, austerity, and renovation/reconstruction. 

Good era for personality therapy if the budget permits. Otherwise, service work to those deeply in need will provide a very successful therapy of appreciation for the blessings one still receives. Avoid victimization and mental servitude. Whatever is draining and burdensome, be realistic and know you can leave the shackles behind. Many find themselves taking a serious step toward freedom at this time despite the downside of separation and uncertain social status. "Cut your losses" and focus on projects that deliver measurable results.

Gochara Shani passes across the lagna [1st house]

Native subconsciously reacts to the body/appearance/identity sector of their life by throwing negative expectations at the fleshly environment. Trouble with appearance, validation of identity, social location. Obligation to endure responsibility for physical body & personality.

One feels a heavy social responsibility to follow society's more conservative rules, respect class boundaries and traditions, and make productive use of your time.  Typical concerns during these 2.3 year transits which occur once every 29 years, are: care of the elderly, protection of old knowledge, and wise management of resources.  

Unless Saturn is a major benefic in the nativity (rare, but possible) Shani gochara lagna creates austerity, survival, oppressive relationships, and heavy conformist pressure on the social personality.  Shani in lagna temporarily makes trouble for your first spouse as your burdens are shared with them. Native becomes a low-resource/high-responsibility person.  

They say that stress is the gap between the way you think things should be and the way they really are.  Saturn forces a person toward a more realistic perspective which is a good thing in the long run, but giving up one's cherished ideals in the face of brute reality is a painful experience, and it makes one a crabby, stressed out marriage partner for the duration.  

In process of crossing the lagna, Shani will send a Parashari drishti [aspect, ray, or "focus"] to the 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses from its transiting position.  Thus when gochara in lagna, Shani shoots a ray into the 3rd, 7th, and 10th rashi houses.  

This phenomena creates rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, and concern for traditional methods into

  • domain-3: daily tasks & mental health = stress from lack of team cooperation & planning

  • domain-7: partnerships including marriage = stress from lack of balanced agreements

  • domain-10: public duties including profession = stress from lack of dignity & prestige 

Expect therefore some depression with a dulling routine and no relief from creativity in either marriage or work, because both the marriage partner and the professional authorities must function as conservative, even punitive agents during the Shani transit to lagna.  

  • Transit of Shani to the lagna will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 3rd, 7th, and 10th rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will produce depressing influences. In a chart of progressive order, the transit will bring responsibilities, & a patient and careful frame of mind, producing caution, reserve & tactfulness. ... a time of shearing away of things such that your responsibilities will increase & your accomplishments will be great. 

Do not start any new long range projects, which will be delayed for completion if started. Do the things or project which requires short time for completion. Do not waste this transit as an excuse for sitting around & waiting for a more favorable time. Peep inward & restructure yourself as is the demand of Saturn; it will take several years, so do not be in a hurry. It is a time of introversion & introspection. An excellent time for any kind of psychotherapy or human potential work. 

Analyze the previous transit & be guided. In case Saturn is malefic or afflicted, one will suffer loss of health of wife, children & close relations. Food not to your liking, fear of enemies, disharmony, disagreements & disputes. Journey to a distant place & separation from relatives. Loss of wealth & honor, obstruction & delay in undertakings & increase in expenditure. Birth of a child if exalted or in own sign. Other results will also be favorable if aspects of other planets are good.


Natural house of friend Shukra

Shani transit impacts:

  • birth family/wealth (2)

  • children/speculation (5)

  • secrets/healing (8)

  • income/goals (11). 

Not a bad time if you are willing to work hard and keep a tight budget. Affects 3 of the 4 money houses, so don't expect easy money! But ethical earnings will come. Holding confidential information may be a burden.

GocharaShani crosses Dhana


 bhava, (domain-2) 

When transiting the 2nd house of food, family, & finances, Shani places karmic restrictions on everything fundamentally related to the mouth.  = stress from lack of savings & traditional values.  These restrictions affect:

  • values of knowledge -- especially oral history, family traditions 

    • struggle to learn, information not easy to digest, confusion of traditions.  Difficulty in school.

  • values of moral & aesthetic development

    •  struggle to clearly distinguish moral truth & artistic beauty from their opposites.  A period of poor taste.

  • values of money & material possessions

    • pecuniary restrictions of all kinds, especially limits on new acquisitions.  Struggle to locate good values in housing, food, clothing, etc.  Prices rise; wealth drops. 

  • and of course the most basic of all values: food.

    • struggle to locate nourishing foods.  Eating disorders may manifest.  Quality of available or affordable food drops.  If Shani is a major maraka, He brings starvation and death.

  • general harmony of relationships within the tribe or extended family

    • family members in general more difficult to get along with.  Arguments over food, money, and morality.  Family members unable to locate shared values.  

  • physical terrain of mouth, teeth, lips, jaw, throat, tongue - and sound production for speech

    • Diseases of the mouth.  Painful and expensive if beneficial dental work.  Vulgar speech.  Poor articulation.  Lying.  If Shani is extra malefic can induce aphasia and other severe communication disorders.

In process of crossing the 2nd house, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 4th, 8th, and 11th rashi houses.  This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-4: home, emotional base, education & parents = stress from lack of shelter (emotional & physical) 

  • domain-8: the spouse's family, values & secret knowledge 

  • domain-11: marketplace gains & networked associations

Expect some financial stress, because Shani is occupying the 2nd house of fixed assets while transiting the 11th house of liquid assets. There will inevitably be money problems unless Shani is that rare functional benefic.  Shani's aspect to the 8th house may limit access to healing changes by locking the person into restrictive family values [2nd house] with limits on their psychic permission to change. This protects the family's stability but oppresses the individual member's creative self-expression. Shani's restrictions on the 4th house can similarly make the home environment quite conservative, with the parents' values dominating any attempt at personal change, and financial shortfalls making it hard to gather enough resource to leave the oppressive place.  

  • Transit of Shani to dhana bhava will be more complex & demanding if planets occupy the 4th, 8th, and 11th rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will decrease the income, cause financial loss. Advancement in psychological, spiritual & moral values. In case you are materialistic, loss of wealth is likely, otherwise everything will be all right. You have to work hard to keep everything going on as you want. But try to avoid letting fear add to your financial insecurity. This is a good time to organize your finances & be economical.


Natural house of neutral Budha

Shani transit impacts:

  • mental health/daily business (3)

  • health/conflict/debt (6)

  • belief system/religious fellowship (9)

  • privacy/foreign lands (12).

Transit of a malefic graha through a friendly or neutral dusthana typically gives good results.

For the mature person, this a a straightforward & disciplined period of needing to control one's thoughts and follow a straitened daily routine. Maintain low expectations of siblings & coworkers. You will handle the lion's share of the workload in all group administrative matters, with little recognition. 

Take care not to become depressed. Mental & physical Health will suffer from the overwork. Although it seems counterintuitive, the single best approach to this exhausting but not debilitating transit is to EXERCISE EVERY DAY. That's right, every darned day. This works because all of the problems are "natural" problems, Shani aspects 3 of the 4 dusthana's from this position. Never a major crisis, just a heavy daily grind... May be sleep-deprived due to drishti on domain-12. Do what you can to recover the sleep, but don't expect much in the way of vacation time :)

Gochara Shani passes across Sahaja bhava, [3rd house] 

In process of crossing the 3rd house, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 5th, 9th, and 12th rashi houses.  This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-5: children, romance, and the arts (especially performance art)

  • domain-9:  religion, philosophy, the Sangha, and university education = stress from lack of religious fellowship & disciplined higher studies

  • domain-12: pilgrimage, meditation, and release of earthly bonds

Expect therefore some overall mental health stress because Shani is moving through the house of daily tasks, making every project burdensomely careful and detailed.  Shani provides 2.3 years of relentless drive to "cross every t and dot every i" while not allowing much financial improvement especially for the self-employed.  

The money limits happen because sahaja bhava is the 2nd-from-2nd house, and they hit the self-employed harder because 2nd-from-2nd signifies self-made wealth.  So if you own a business, your 3rd house is probably strong at birth.  You have the drive to create your income independent of the big corporations.  But when Shani plows through your 3rd house get ready to be humble.  Re-read Ben Franklin's autobiography and concentrate on the core virtues: early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise!  

Shani normally oppresses the financial health for a total of about five years, because He transits dhana bhava (the second house of money) first for 2.3 years and immediately afterward he enters sahaja bhava (the second-from-second house of self-made money) for an additional 2.3 years.  So there is rarely much rest for the weary during these five years, unless Shani is that rare benefic or a very auspicious bhukti is happening to compensate for Shani's karmic paybacks.

Deepening the natural frustration of these five years of suppressed wealth is the fact that while Shani transits the 2nd-from-2nd forcing great care and attention to the most minute details of communication while not providing much profit relative to the effort, He also afflicts the 9th house of religion making the Sangha (one's religious or philosophical community) often more trouble than help.  Typically one acquires unwanted administrative responsibilities to maintain the Sangha at the cost of one's own business time, with very little recognition for the sacrifice and often, unfortunately, minimal immediate benefit to the Sangha as well.  Everyone seems picky, irresponsible, and difficult to work with - and you end up carrying the load.  Remember that all these people, your customers, coworkers,  and your religious brotherhood, all have past-life relationships to you, and they're setting you up to pay back little cheats and selfishnesses from past lives.  That's the logic of this transit of Saturn!

Finally Shani will shoot out an afflicting ray for these 2.3 years of transit through the third house, which harms the 12th house of dreams and meditation. Since the mental health is damaged by Shani's occupation of the 3rd house anyway, meditation and the calm, creative, imaginative space that most people use to relax, pretty much evaporates during this transit.  It's a time of focus on material survival, administrative detail, mental function, and intense long-range planning.  It's not a very spontaneous or relaxed time.  Long retreats are not good during this transit, unless one is deeply prepared to do battle with the intractable habits of the mind.  Foreign travel should be very carefully planned with special attention to cancellation insurance (sahaja bhava as 8th-from-8th emphasizes insurance).  

As with any behavior of Shani, best results in all areas are gained through planning, planning, planning.  Compulsory planning does undeniably drain the spontaneity right out of life, but during Shani's transit to the third house, spontaneity is not the goal.  Mental health and business stability are the goals.  Be sure to have a Plan B (and plan C and plan D ...) ready for these 2.3 years.  Then, all will be well indeed.

  • Transit of Shani to sahaja bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 5th, 9th, and 12th rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: denotes hindrances & delay in travels, disappointments & difficulties through relatives. To a good horoscope, this transit will bring gravity of mind, thoughtfulness, & an inclination to engage in profound & deep studies, or perhaps a desire to investigate occult & mystical subjects. There may be extensive changes. You have trouble with people in your immediate environments such relatives and close friends. ... success, pleasant functions, recognition of service, agreeable events, outstanding reports, gain of wealth, pleasure, prosperity & success in undertakings. Defeat of enemies, happiness, power, position & enjoyments are indicated if Saturn is aspected by benefic planets.


Natural house of neutral Moon

Shani transit impacts:

  • home/property/education (4)

  • health/conflict/debt (6)

  • career (10)

  • body/personality (1)

Not bad for career, if the period is used to slowly lay a solid, steady foundation. Good time to be in school, job training, etc. Scarce resources in housing: unavailable, expensive or crowded. May be house-bound. Good time to work in the home, small & unpretentious home-business, house-cleaning job, etc.

Gochara Shani passes across Bandhu bhava, [4th house] 

In process of crossing the lagna, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 6th, 10th, and 1st houses.  

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-6: enemies, debts and disease = stress from lack of loans, medicine, or police

  • domain-10: public duty and leadership = stress from lack of dignity & public standing

  • domain-1: bodily appearance, vitality, & social personality = stress from lack of recognizable appearance, physical structure

Typically Shani in bandhu bhava gives challenges regarding shelter and the home.  You may be forced to move house - but if natal Shani has some auspicious qualities, the move is an improvement.  

However the three most stressful events in life are generally acknowledged to be

  1. death of spouse or divorce

  2. loss or major change of job

  3. loss or change of home

Excess public responsibilities that drain resources from other areas of your life like home and family [simultaneous with significant demands from home because Shani is moving through bandhu bhava!]; discomfort in the physical body caused by overwork, emotional conflict in the home, and general insecurities.  

So undoubtedly Shani's transit through the 4th house of home and hearth will generate some significant anxieties as you manage the gap between what you expect (a placid, stable home) and what really happens (upsets, restrictions, socially mandated uprootings).  

Still, 4, 10, and lagna are all kendra (angular) houses - and Shani's transit to angular houses is generally beneficial to the physical structure of one's life, because it gets your behaviors lined up with social expectations which makes the tribe happier and ultimately increases material prosperity for all. 

The animosity built into any drishti toward domain-6 is undeniably irritating, but you can handle enemies by moving away from them.  It all works out in 2.3 years.

  • Transit of Shani to bandhu bhava will be more complex and demanding if natal planets occupy the 6th, 10th, and 1st  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will bring domestic troubles, bereavements, unfavorable changes, & hallucinations etc. To the more highly evolved individual a desire for rest, & more attention to the needs of the household, preparations for the closing years of life (its transit in 2nd or 3rd cycle), & securing benefits to family & heirs after the close of the earthly career. 

An important transit as the house indicates domestic life. Any domestic problem will become critical which you should solve calmly. This could be anything from simple reorganizing to major reshuffling of your relations & contracts in domestic lie. Your house may become a tremendous burden, because of payments, repairs etc. 

Past incidents, not settled earlier, may come into prominence. This is an especially good period to resolve them now. Start modestly for steady rise in life. Any negative factor at work here will oppose your successful achievements later as this house is opposite to your 10th house of career. Parent's health may not be satisfactory. Disagreements with wife, relations & superiors are likely which will bring about their displeasure. Mean action, disrepute, misery & unhappiness.


Natural house of enemy Surya

IMO, this is the single most difficult house for a Shani transit. (along with the temporal house of Ravi). Affects:

  • children (5), 

  • spouse (7), 

  • friends (11), 

  • birth family (2). 

Shani crossing the natural house of enemy Surya is quite frustrating & exhausting. However as always better results occur after age 45, and best results after age 60.

Children become a heavy responsibility. Their many needs drain your income due to Shani's drishti to domain-11 & domain-2. E.g., you may be paying college tuition for several children during Shani's 2.3 yr transit! 

Lovers also become a burden, & the pleasures of creative self-expression are constrained by ethical concerns, duty, & responsibility. Separations may be necessary if unmarried. Married life also is tiresome, because of Shani's 3rd drishti upon domain-7.  

Literary & performance art is constricted & delayed by funding problems. Political office & financial speculation subject to public opinion & market limitations. 

Gochara Shani passes across Putra bhava, [5th house] 

In process of crossing putra bhava, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 7th, 11th, and 2nd rashi houses.  

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-7: marriage and partnerships, reproductive organs, contracts and agreements

  • domain-11: friendship networks, the marketplace, gains and income, goals

  • domain-2:  money, food, values, family, oral tradition, the mouth = stress from lack of savings & traditional values 

Children become demanding and romance turns to social duty.  Performance art creativity is limited by what the public sensibilities will allow.  You feel obligated to cater to the lowest common denominator.  Vulgarity dominates taste.  Oy.  Speculation is highly unfavorable.  Absolutely do not gamble with anything - your money, your lover's heart, or your children - during a Shani transit to putra bhava.  Luck, the natural asset of the fifth house, will not be with you for these 2.3 years.  It will come back sure enough during times when there is no unfavorable drishti to putra bhava.  But this is a time for neutral, respectful, practical approaches to self-expression.  Conservative morality and attention to public sensibilities will give good results.

Marriage partner will experience outside pressure to accept more work.  They are not feeling too romantic toward you or the children.  The children note pressure on the marriage and they clamor for your attention.  Thus the children become a surprisingly burdensome source of extra work.  Bite the bullet and curtail your personal entertainments so that you can attend to the repetitive and none too stimulating needs of the spouse and children, even when you'd much rather be playing games, starting romances, and creatively expressing your fine self.  

Both 11th house of gains and income AND 2nd house of hoarded wealth are impacted so expect limits on material prosperity.  Children and spouse create expenses, and your personal entertainment budget is reduced.  Shani and Surya, the natural owner of putra bhava, are enemy planets.  This transit is no fun.  But it builds character and should be accepted in a spirit of neutral "as-it-is."

  • Transit of Shani to putra bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 7th, 11th, and 2nd  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will cause disappointments, break of attachments, loss of children & speculation, troubles over investments; but to the enlightened, it will bring chastity, prudence in affection, careful examination of all investments & avoidance of hazardous enterprises, & more care & thought with regard to the welfare of the young. 

Proceed in a careful, organized manner, expressing yourself freely in a tactful way. You may feel burdened by children, love affairs may become difficult, you may have a love relationship with an older person which may be unpleasant in some respects & a growth experience on the other hand. 

Your weaknesses will bring confrontations which will, if dealt with wisely, be to your advantage. 

Do not gamble, speculate or take other risks as you will lose from them. You will have to work hard, be careful & do disciplined actions. You will face false allegations, disputes with children, litigation, loss of money, increased expenditure, mental agony & separation from the family.


Shani transit impacts:

  • health/conflict/debt (6)

  • secrets/healing (8)

  • privacy/foreign lands (12).

  • birth family/wealth (2)

Transit of a malefic graha through a friendly or neutral dusthana typically gives good results.

May be sleep-deprived due to drishti on domain-12. Undoubtedly some health effects due to overwork, but the stronger effect is a need to work quite hard with limited resources to transform ignorance into wisdom regarding animosity, debt, and disease. The professional direction is service to the underclass, criminals, working class, servant class, prostitutes, drug addicts, thieves, etc. Must work to understand poverty, crime, illness, and their roots. 

Most importantly focus on the "victim state" & how it arises & sustains itself.  Exceptionally Beneficial for health professionals, police/military (who will find themselves on active duty), divorce lawyers, loan-makers, credit counselors, anyone who is consciously engaged with social conflict. Care of elderly infirm. Shani transiting 10th-from-10th brings recognition for your efforts, by superiors & those who receive your cautious, skillful care.

Gochara Shani passes across Ari bhava, [6th house] 

Native subconsciously reacts to the animosity/illness/poverty sector of their life by throwing negative expectations at the 'conflict' environment. Trouble with medicine, police/military, finance.  Obligation to endure hostility.

In process of crossing domain-6, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 8th, 12th, and 3rd domains. 

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-8:  healing, hidden matters, emergencies, joint assets of marriage

  • domain-12: bed pleasures, meditation, intuition, & dreams = stress from lack of mental quiet & privacy

  • domain-3: daily tasks, mental health, small group communications, the hands = stress from lack of team cooperation & planning

This is the worst of all Shani transits because gochara Shani crosses the worst dusthana domain-6 while he sends a drishti to three other dusthana bhavas.  Health issues invariably arise, usually in the gastro-intestinal system but can be other body systems according to sign ruling the sixth house (e.g. if domain-6 = Vrischika, the health troubles occur in reproductive system too). 

You are robbed of goods or dignity due to subconscious expectations originating in past lives. 

Overwork, mental or physical slavery, excessive dieting, malnutrition, or starvation from poverty; major business losses caused by theft or global market shifts;  forced into servitude by outstanding debt; general accession to the victim state... All manifestations of past-life debt that are scheduled for pay-off now.  Few reliable friends and abundant enemies.  Friends temporarily become enemies Cheating everywhere.  

Those rare cases of benefic Shani will give beneficial results.  If tough planets already occupy Ari bhava, the rule of "bad planet in a bad house gives good results" may well apply, and "When the going gets tough the tough get going." The person goes to work to seriously defeat their enemies.  

This physician operates a low-income medical clinic: note her yogakaraka Shani exalted in the sixth house of clinical medicine.  A Shani transit to Ari bhava increased her workload but also her professional dignity, experience and public recognition.

A great time for soldiering, going to war, getting armed and thinking constantly about the enemy.  you will be lonely, hungry, cold, and exhausted - but that's part of the job.  Shani punishes selfishness but he grants excellent results to morally conscious beings who choose to devote their energies to social work in severe poverty, battling ignorance, battling atheism, humble service to the least fortunate, clinical medicine, and other fundamental seva.  The key to surviving and even benefiting this harsh 2.3 year transit is willingness to serve the needs of others without entering a victim state.

  • Transit of Shani to Ari bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 8th, 12th, and 3rd  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will depress the vital conditions, cause sickness & colds & troubles with inferiors. Persons having strong Saturn at birth will be inclined to carefulness regarding diet; a cautious preparation against climatic change & temperature & elderly relatives. Loss of enemies & gain, success in service & enterprises, good health & all round prosperity. Gain of wealth & happy married life. This is a critical time in your development. You will receive recognition of your work, A time of heavy responsibility & hard work. In service you must rise to the demands & expectations of your superiors.  If you do so, you will be rewarded. Take care of your health when you work hard.


natural house of friend Shukra


Shani transit impacts:

  • marriage/contract (7)

  • belief system/religious fellowship/father(9)

  • body/personality (1)

  • home/property/education/mother (4)

Shani is not harmful here, but constraining of resources esp. time & money. The spouse may have demanding work & little time to invest in marital communication. Business partnerships are similarly under pressure of realistic conditions. Most mature people assess & appreciate the true but temporary nature of conditions. If Kuja or Surya is temporary ruler of domain-7 there can be severe stress, or if Shani occupies domain-7 at birth, this transit constitutes the Saturn Return which is significantly burdensome. 

Shani casts drishti upon both (9) and (4). If one's parents are elderly, there may be heavy responsibilities for their care.

Effort must be invested for good results in the areas of time scheduling & structure of duties for both spouses, "building in time" for the marriage communications, sorting out the belief system with a preference for more conservative values, appreciating that less time with the spouse can create loneliness (Shani's drishti to house-1), and that family foundations are worthy of investment also. Good time to seek continuing education, esp. in business subjects related to contracts & agreements. Legal education well supported.

Gochara Shani passes across Kalatra bhava, [7th house] 

Native subconsciously reacts to the marriage/contracts/agreements sector of their life by throwing negative expectations at the relationship environment. Trouble with law courts, contracts. Obligation to endure balancing and mediation.

 This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-9: university education, religious teachings, and the guru = stress from lack of religious fellowship & disciplined higher studies

  • domain-1: body appearances, vitality 

  • domain-4: social-emotional security, parents, home, and fundamental education = stress from lack of shelter (emotional & physical)

Obviously this transit is tough for marriage, unless Shani is the lord of kalatra bhava or some other beneficial exception applies.  Normally, the spouse gains much responsibility during this transit, and as a result he/she has much less energy available for marriage maintenance. The marriage suffers.  Solace of Religion or philosophy is reduced, and the physical body experiences stress from inadequate relaxation.  The home life is also a victim of spouse's external commitments, and everyone in the family feels deprived of the spouse's energetic nourishment.  

However, with careful attention to time scheduling and objective consideration of the structural and functional pressure affecting the spouse, one can become a wise and patient partner who is willing to endure a 2.3 year hiatus in the spouses 100% availability in order to permit the spouse to accomplish their own personal responsibilities.  It might be the spouses career, their parents, their community tasks, or any other outside duties which consume too much of their attention.  The key as always with Shani is to be neutral, neutral, neutral to the situation.  Assume a rational, compassionate viewpoint.  Be willing to accept more than your share of parenting duties in the family home for the duration.  This too shall pass.

  • Transit of Shani to kalatra bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 9th, lagna, and 4th  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will cause domestic troubles, sadness, grave misunderstanding, separations & grief, But in a good horoscope it will strengthen conjugal ties, give faithful adherence to contracts and vows, & bind closer the ties that unite & cement true unions. Relations & close associates will make increasing demands which will be difficult for you to handle. Some relationships may end on this account. Even married life will be affected. Coworkers will also be demanding more than in the past. Keep up your agreements made with others. This is one fundamental test of this transit. Otherwise you will suffer, be separated from family, have increased expenditure, ill health, get disease of sexual organs & suffer ill health of wife & father.

shinyblueball.gif Domain-08

Shani transit impacts:

  • secrets/healing (8)

  • career/prestige (10)

  • birth family/wealth (2)

  • children/speculation (5)

Shani's transit through Kuja's natural house is not... natural. The cycle of birth & death must turn when nature dictates, and Shani tends to impose conventions & laws upon this natural process. Surgeries are delayed or mishandled. Will, estates, and distribution of legacies or marriage settlements is delayed or interrupted. 

Joint wealth in marriage is held back, sometimes by ill will, but often by legal or social policies. The partner cannot 'value' you, the partner withdraws their support. Therapy interrupted or discontinued due to scarce resources. Tantriks withdraw into their caves, practicing until they are welcomed outside again. Good period for secret practices which demand no recognition, for harboring confidential persons or information despite the difficulties, and for extremely careful practice of surgery. Insurance, lotteries, class action suits, other pooled monies may be denied or delayed




Gochara Shani passes across Randhra bhava, [8th house] 

In process of crossing the lagna, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 10th, 2nd, and 5th rashi houses.  

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-10: public duties, profession, leadership

  • domain-2: food, family, and finances = stress from lack of savings & traditional values 

  • domain-5: children, romance, performance art, speculation

Your reputation may take a dive as pressure to achieve inner healing, the province of randhra bhava, forces some taboo-breaking.  Even while Shani specifically punishes social deviance and rewards conformism, he also demands that full and careful attention be paid to the house through which he travels.  When that house is randhra bhava which rules hidden matters, divorce or death of the first spouse, healings, sudden changes, shamanism, and mystery traditions, there is a convert social demand for the person to skillfully and objectively reveal hidden matters.  

Children are a great responsibility, because it's a considerable challenge to provide a conventional role model to the children when one is conscientiously developing taboo social knowledge. The children's formal education is likely to require more attention.  Finances will not improve while the Shani drishti applies to dhana bhava, and one's permission to articulate the potentially profitable hidden knowledge which one is studiously acquiring, is also much reduced. 

This is a private, intense period during which the first spouse contributes almost nothing to to financial or emotional vitality of the marriage, so under certain circumstances Shani may, for his ulterior motives of revealing hidden connections, induce an affair outside of marriage.  Generally the affair, when it happens, is conducted with a historic partner, generally a love interest from before the time of marriage who has some important, long suppressed, insights into the native's life.

  • Transit of Shani to randhra bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 10th, 2nd, and 5th  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: brings sickness or even death; troubles through partners; legacies to awakened or more enlightened individuals. There may be connections with occult societies, reconciliation to change of consciousness, & thoughts concerning the soul's conditions after death. 

There may be problems with finances & possessions you have jointly with others. Conflict with others is indicated, & joint resources will be cut off & at the time of need. Bank loans, marriage settlement & partners demands for finances will cut you off from them. Do not count on other's help during this period; no financial help from anyone. Depend on yourself, not on others & their resources. 

Death of some relative or your health maybe afflicted. You will learn how to deal with people; you will also know your resources, relatives & people around you. You will face criticism, separation from a loved one, losses, mean actions of others, troubles through relations, litigation, bad company & disrepute. Unwanted displeasure of officers & government & confinement to one place.



Shani transit impacts: 

  • belief system/religious fellowship (9)

  • income/goals (11)

  • mental health/daily business (3)

  • health/conflict/debt (6)

Time to take care of elderly priests and teachers. Imposes constraints on the belief system, need to conform to accepted standards. Responsibilities in religious fellowship, scarce resources for income, repetitive & oppressive mental tasking (often much reading & discussion), health suffers from the stress, burdensome routine, and lack of resources. However, an excellent time to study at university (9) or devote oneself to the care of respected elder teachers. Income is curtailed but not severely, as Shani aspects his own house (11) causing constraint & delay but not true poverty.

Gochara Shani passes across Dharma bhava, [9th house] 

Native subconsciously reacts to the religion/guru/university sector of their life by throwing negative expectations at the priestly environment. Trouble with philosophy, university studies, religious teachers, father. Obligation to endure teaching & ritual.

Separation, frustration, discipline & delay in:

  1. achieving goals & earning income. 

  2. writing, communications, planning, scheduling, team interactions; mental health. gives sober thoughts & realism

  3. conflict, imbalance. delay in receiving medical  attention. gives loans/debt

Business process slow-down combined with reduced income & increased debt makes this particular transit quite unfavorable financially.

When gochara in dharma bhava, Shani shoots a Parashari ray into the 11th, 3rd, and 6th rashi houses.  This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-11: personal and professional networks, mobility in the marketplace, gains and income of all kinds, goals public and private; the bodily calves; the body's electrical network

  • domain-3: mental processing, concepts and the relationships between them, neighbors, siblings, and coworkers; daily tasks = stress from lack of team cooperation & planning

  • domain-6: enemies, debts, & disease.  Addictions, poverty, impoverishing choices, anger, servitude, the victim state, import-export, international goods trade, textiles = stress from lack of loans, medicine, or police

Domains 3, 6, and 11 are all "upachaya" bhavas. Their harsh effects improve with wisdom of age and experience.  

Gochara Shani in dharma bhava is much easier to manage skillfully after onset of moral adulthood, about age 36.

Dharma bhava is Guru's house, a joyful place of religious worship and great truths.  When Shani crosses here you have to work hard to achieve philosophical expansion through developing a practical and realistic interpretation of religious understanding.  No Pollyanna thinking allowed; Shani demands bare-bones realism.  If Shani's sober style is respected, expect excellent results in high education, especially the "modern monk" professional trainings that involve personal commitment to moral leadership in teaching, medicine, law, etc.  

Expect some Shani-induced stress regarding limited flexibility in the marketplace; there is less income definitely; you will live on less and perhaps worry about having enough resource to meet your responsibilities.  However lifestyle restraints are not too severe because Shani gives good effects regarding the 10th and 11th houses.  A temporary gochara drishti to labha bhava may have the salutary effect of streamlining your marketplace behavior and making your expectations and goals more realistic, and forcing you to eliminate responsibilities that you cannot realistically sustain.  

Shani's drishti to the 3rd house is more intense because it is the direct 7th aspect.  Depression, worry, anxiety about projects and planning will persist during this 2.3 year transit.  Again Shani's goal of streamlining your daily task schedule and simplifying your mental process is entirely admirable; however socially the ego takes a battering when the message that you are being forced to limit your thoughts and limit your small-group social activities to the practical and productive, no wasted time allowed, is perceived as personal punishment.  It's not - it's just Shani's social control energy dominating for 2.3 years.  Major university achievements, earning hard-won diplomas, or publishing important books, typically occur as Shani transits dharma bhava, because Shani imposes the professional discipline and mental restrictions necessary to concentrate on a great work.

Shani's effect on ari bhava is less comfortable but still serves to push the individual to higher levels of spiritual and philosophical clarity.  Ari bhava is enemies, debts, and disease - the worst dusthana house in the entire rashi chart.  If Shani has a good natal relationship to ari bhava then the transit will only slightly increase his natural work ethic, willingness to labor for the benefit of others, and acceptance of some degree of servitude in this life.  However if the person is karmically used to an easy workload with less service and more indulgence, the 2.3 years Shani aspect to ari bhava can create a feeling of poverty, victim state, dependence on borrowed money with simultaneous fear of indebtedness.  

Shani's specialty is that somber Serious Energy which needs to be lightened up periodically during harsh transits to renew your sense of humor.  Relax, this 2.3 years section of karmic payoff will not cripple you forever.  But you'll enjoy life more if you can accept poverty, animosity, illness, and indebtedness as facts of life without interpreting this reality as an attack on your pride.  This too shall pass.

  • Transit of Shani to dharma bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 11th, 3rd, and 6th  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will bring legal troubles, disputes with partners & relatives & unfavorable voyages; For those with a progressive nature this transit gives calm & deliberate thought regarding metaphysics, equity into Philosophy & a devout mind, prone to meditating & thinking deeply. 

There may be some financial loss as Saturn aspects the 11th house. The 9th house being a house of law can indicate legal difficulties. There can be long journeys, but if your natal 9th house has adverse planetary combinations there is danger of accidents. Saturn will give concentration into religion, metaphysics or philosophy. Learning is very pragmatic at this time. 

Enemies may not trouble you, but you may experience diseases, decrease in income, criminal prosecutions & punishments, fruitless attempts, sorrows & unhappiness. May cause ill health to father & even death.


Natural Domain.

Shani transit impacts: 

  • career/prestige (10).

  • privacy/foreign lands (12)

  • home/property/education (4)

  • marriage/contract (7)

Good time to accept leadership responsibilities, even if the payoff is not clear. Be aware that the public demands conformity to its purported moral standards despite few individuals being truly ethical. You will need to be superior in ethics, modest, dignified but never pretentious, sort of an Everyman but with heightened moral awareness. Do not boast, but point to your work record, and be known for pitching in when the job needs to be done. This dedication and overwork will pay nicely later, when you have earned a good reputation through diligence and respect for the common morality. 

Less privacy, less opportunity for research or meditation due to work responsibilities. More policy decisions and executive choices, which will be criticized no matter how well made. Continuing education is beneficial, despite the extra effort needed to find the time/money in an era of scarce resources for foundation laying. Focus on learning about the mother's culture. 

You will lose a home through moving to a place where your work in needed. If marriage partner does not accept your responsibilities, which creates scarcity in the marriage interaction, there can be unhappiness in the marriage. However the mature spouse appreciates your investment in your society and will accept your temporary overload as beneficial (because Shani is a friend of Shukra).

Gochara Shani passes across Karmaa bhava, [10th house] 

In process of crossing the 10th house, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 12th, 4th, and 7th rashi houses.  

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-12 bed pleasures, meditation, intuition, and dreams = stress from lack of mental quiet & privacy

  • domain-4 home and roots, foundations in life, belonging = stress from lack of shelter (emotional & physical)

  • domain-7:  marriage and partnerships = stress from lack of balanced agreements

Because Shani is the natural owner of karmaa bhava expect some stress from professional challenges.  However, Shani generally gives excellent results while transiting his own house.  Professionals enjoy meeting challenges to their performance capabilities!  They enjoy the responsibilities of public leadership, decision-making, and symbolic life.  So, this transit is normally invigorating rather than demoralizing, although it is undeniably stressful because it requires such a massive output of careful attention to large concerns such as public policy or corporate goals.  It can bring considerable rise in status especially if Shani is yogakaraka such as for Libra or Taurus rising.  But everything depends on the moral grounding.  

With public responsibilities being so time consuming it stands to reason that the personal intuitive, creative, and pleasuring life will be deprived of time and money resource.  With heavy levels of public expectation most people put all their energy into duty performance during these 2.3 years, and much less into private sensuality including meditation.  As Shani afflicts the 4th house again the home life suffers because the public duties consume most of your attention.  

Similarly marriage gets short shrift, as all available resource is focused into career and professional performance.  If your family can tolerate your physical or at least emotional absence for 2.3 years they will soon enjoy a higher group status based on your ability to assume public leadership responsibilities.  If you have strong planets like Moon in 4th house sometimes the gochara Shani in 10th creates a guilt vortex, where the family actually blocks your career.  But most of the time you don't mind the demands of Shani in 10th because you get praise and honor as a reward for sacrificing your personal interests on the altar of tradition, social stability and control.

  • Transit of Shani to karmaa bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 12th, 4th, and 7th  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: brings failures, scandal & troubles through superiors causing loss of honor & credit. 

To the cultured & refined person, it will cause prudence in speech & conduct, the undertaking of great responsibilities, & a scrutiny of moral conduct. An important transit to a sensitive point of your birth chart. In your professional life, you will gain many responsibilities.

If you strive to be a leader or a politician you will achieve success. If you shirk responsibility you will be a failure. 

A fit time to make your impression upon others. Negative energies can cause disaster & fall through your own actions. In case there are malefic aspects to your 10th house in your birth chart it will be especially dangerous. 

You can control the results of this transit by preparing carefully & not taking short cuts. 

Your prestige, status & job can be threatened. Irritation, disputes, unhealthy atmosphere, loss of money, scandals, increased expenditure, loss of honor & new employment are some results for this transitional experience.

shinyblueball.gif Domain-11

Natural Domain.

Shani transit impacts: 

  • income/goals (11)

  • birth family/wealth (2)

  • children/speculation (5)

  • secrets/healing (8)

Beneficial time for honestly & consciously evaluating & re-setting goals for the next 30 year period. Gives excellent results for the mature planner and resource manager. Much responsibility for groups of people, such as managing resources re: large conferences, hotels or student dormitories. Not a good time for childbirth, & conception may be denied unless coincident with a period of Guru. 

Shani casts drishti on 3 of the 4 financial houses: financial conservativism & justification of expenses is absolutely required during this transit. However the transit can be smooth & even pleasant  for the native who has mature budgeting skills.  "Penny saved is a penny earned" and other frugal policies will create a surprisingly rewarding financial experience. 

Gochara Shani passes across Labha bhava, [11th house] 

In process of crossing the lagna, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into 1st, 5th, and 8th domains.

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-1: physical appearance, vitality, and caste ranking

  • domain-5: children and performance arts

  • domain-8: hidden matters, healing, taboo-breaking, and other people's money

Expect therefore some stress from the Shani affliction to the physical body.  You will get thinner because Shani will make you too busy to overeat :)  Shani gives pretty good results when He passes through the 10th and 11th houses, his home houses.  Hard work and diligent attention to detail are just what the Protestant Ethic ordered in the 11th house of gains in the marketplace.  You work like a pup but you do see some tangible results.  

The limitation comes mainly on your network of friends, not all of whom are useful.  You need to winnow out those associates who do not contribute to your gains.  Overall though you simply prefer to hang with your hardest-working friends and talk shop, which always stimulates natural hard workers to get their nose back on the grindstone.  You do make money if you pay attention to detail in market transactions.  

Shani's affliction to the 5th house means you have less time to spend with your kids because you are working so diligently.  Then the kids become behavior problems because you are not giving them enough attention.  Be willing to work double-time 100% at your job and also 100% with your kids (no it's not fair, actually it's not even humanly possible but do be willing) to avoid the worst consequences when kids feel your absence and they reacte.

Shani's aspect onto the 8th house temporarily restricts the spouse's contribution into the joint kitty of the marriage.  You work harder and probably earn more than your spouse during this period, unless your spouse has the same Moon and lagna as yourself.  (If your spouse has the same Moon and lagna as you your marriage is probably so compatible that you never consult an astrologer anyway!)  You have temporarily less psychic permission to enjoy deep healing, and you probably don't have time to transform your body through surgeries or other deep changes.  This transit focuses mostly on doing business and material success. 

  • Transit of Shani to labha bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the lagna, 5th, and 8th  rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: will bring false friends, deception & frustration to hopes and wishes; in the thoughtful it will produce a respect for elders &  a scientific turn of mind. It will also bring care in choice of acquaintances &  a true appreciation of friendship. Good for finances. Gain of money, fulfillment of desires, acquisition of property, marriage &  domestic happiness. Gain of fame, promotion, honor, & enjoyment with opposite sex. Sympathy from all &  reward from Government. 

This transit is a high period in your life. [domain-11] is a house of cooperation, hopes &  wishes, ideals & objectives and for them you will be crowned with success & gain. Relatives &  friends will cooperate with you. You will accumulate wealth during this transit provided you control your spending.


Shani transit impacts:

  • privacy/foreign lands (12)

  • birth family/wealth (2)

  • health/conflict/debt (6)

  • belief system/religious fellowship/father (9)

May be sleep-deprived. Excellent time to build sweat-equity in sanctuary spaces such as hospitals, ashrama, spas, mediation centres,  monasteries, any type of healing enclosure. Responsibilities with little acknowledgement regarding foreign countries and your identity in distant locales. Frutiful discipline of meditation on death & separation from the Earthly plane. Work with refugees, victims of abuse, those trapped in their minds, those trapped in prisons or involuntary camps, squalid conditions, abandonment, & those facing imminent death. Providing rules & ritual support to those lacking structure, even simple things like 'turning their faces to the Sun' (Mother Teresa) will benefit the native. Extreme compassion with scarce resources. In personal life, a time of difficulty and withdrawal of all but your most loyal friends & family. 

Gochara Shani passes across Vyaya bhava, [12th house] 

In process of crossing the lagna, Shani will send a Parashari drishti into the 2nd, 6th, and 9th rashi houses.  

This phenomena imposes rules, limitations, austerities, responsibilities, concern for traditional methods, constraint, discipline, and delay, regarding:

  • domain-2: values including morality, aesthetics, and money = stress from lack of savings & traditional values 

  • domain-6: workplace and health, including debts and medicines = stress from lack of loans, medicine, or police

  • domain-9: religion and truth lineages, inc. father, Sangha, & guru = stress from lack of religious fellowship & disciplined higher studies

Expect stress in the subconscious realm of meditation, dreams, and psychic intuition. Vyaya bhava rules "bed pleasures" so a Saturn transit afflicting this private, sensual area usually brings suppression and social control into the bedroom.  Saturn is punishment energy.  The second house is affected so money is short; the 6th house is afflicted too which imposes debts - often stemming from affairs of the bed, murky foreign investments, or inattention to detail caused by trance state in the mind.  

The creative intuition which helps us solve problems shuts down, causing a delay in problem-solving speed giving the impression of reduced intelligence, and the second house being impacted the speech is curtailed as well.  You're as smart as you ever were of course but you don't present well, are sleep-deprived, can't relax.  Any time Shani afflicts the 9th house Dharma Bhava there is reduced access to spiritual truth, the humorous view of the world, philosophical speculation, other psycho-intellectual pleasures.  You can feel trapped in the prison of your own slow mind.  

Take conscious steps to relax and remember perfectionism is a disease.  You don't have to be rich and powerful all the time.  It's OK to take a back seat for 2.3 years even if you have a big ego attachment to being a star performer.  This transit pulls the psychic energy inward so relatively little is externally produced.  This transit rewards the slow, careful, minimalist approach with low expectations.  It gives excellent spiritual results to folks who are willing to treat meditation as a craft.  They know they need to work on meditation, to shape the mind and train it; this takes years not months.

  • Transit of Shani to vyaya bhava will be more complex and demanding if planets occupy the 2nd, 6th, and 9th rashi houses.  See a brief view of gochara Shani's general effects on graha in the transited house.

Das / Behari says: ... will produce sorrows, enmities, confinements, & sad experiences generally. To the introspective, this gives new realizations, careful reflections, a patient review of the past & a turning of the mind in search of latent possibilities. 

Important elements in your life may begin to pass away. Any project not yet completed will get finished from the compelling circumstances. You shall not receive cooperation from people in spite of your good dealings with them. They will tend to withdraw from you. 

You have to observe & recognize. Your efforts will not bear fruits & governmental disciplinary actions can be expected. Changes in life & surroundings. Danger, accidents, mental agony, worries, heavy expenditure will be experiences you may have. Loss of wealth, danger & loss through enemies & opponents, litigation, family quarrels, unpleasant journeys, displeasure & domestic disharmony may also be the result of this transit.